Dreams and Hopes 🙏🙏🙏

                              My Dreams and Hopes

                                                (Let's hope they all come true)

 So first of all, if you guys had read my previous post, you'll know that I like to write. Well, there's also a few more things that I like to do in my free time. Recently, well honestly ever since Marvanata (read my post about Marvanata https://tizianaminerva.blogspot.com/2019/09/fesbud-2019-marvanata.html) I got inspired to edit and made videos, event though it's not something I do regularly I enjoyed it very much. Also basketball, but because now school became much more time-consuming, my practice time had been cut less and less.

 Anyway, I have lots of dreams and not just talking about my dream as in what would I be when I grow up kind of dream. One of the my dream is to write a book, it doesn't have to be bestseller or make me rich. I just want to write a story that when someone read it they'll get inspired to write too. That's not an easy dream though, I've tried to write short stories but they all seems not put together and gosh, I really don't have the time to write other than writing my homework. Also, I'd love to publish a collection of my own poems in a book. So again back to the whole video thing, I'd love to be much more active in my Youtube channel, now it's just full of tasks and not the content that I'd like to post which is cinematic videos or such. God, I want a lot of things.

BUT, if we are talking about what would I be when I grow up, the answers will be different each stage of my life. When I was, let's say 5 years old I want to be an astronaut because I don't know, universe is fascinating and it's vast and just well mysterious. But, I scraped that idea quickly, I also wanted to be a singer when I was 7-ish but I can't sing and I got bored learning the piano so bye!.

Here's the thing though, throughout my elementary school as well as middle school I only have one dream which is to become the president of Indonesia. Obviously, that's so far fetch so now my dream is to be accepted at University of Indonesia, majoring in either International Relation or Management or well something else. I just hope that whatever I'm gonna do in the future will have a good impact on people's lives, made my parents proud, and myself happy.


  1. Helloo, what I think is at your age is the rightest time for you to try as many things as possible to find out what can make you happy!!

    You wanna write? Try it!
    Sing? Why not?!
    Make videos? Go for it!
    Heck, if you suddenly want to become a pilot, maybe try to fly an airplane!! 😁😅

    Don't get pressured on having to find your dreams and purpose rightaway, you're not supposed to know it VERY SOON. This is the time to find the thing that can make you HAPPY. How? By trying to do the things you're interested in! Like, all the things!

    That way, you will find the things that you enjoy doing, you're good at, or even give bigger opportunities to you!

    Don't be afraid to explore yourself! 😎

    Ps: Funny thing is, my novel 19 Letters told a story how a multi-talented person could actually be the one most confused to find what they wanted to do 😅 although, they overcome it by finding the thing that they MOST want to do.

    1. Thank YOU! also sorry for a very late reply, school is very hectic. Thanks really for the suggestions, I tried to well try all the things around me but there're things that I wanted to try but I can't or it's very hard to find in Bandung. I really wanted to venture outside my comfort zone and my comfort zone is Bandung. That's why I want to find scholarships aboard or at least search for university outside Bandung.


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